Based on Department of Transportation advisories, prioritization of safety, and continuing freezing weather conditions, both Ports America and New Orleans Terminal will remain closed today and Thursday, January 23. The Napoleon Avenue Container Terminal and its gates will remain closed on Wednesday, January 22, and Thursday, January 23.
The Port NOLA and NOPB emergency preparedness team will continue to monitor the weather and will provide needed updates.
Both Ports America and New Orleans Terminal will run Saturday (1/25) gate operations and please check their portal links below for additional forthcoming information.
Terminal Operator Information:Â
New Orleans Terminal: 504.648.6200, link to portal
Ports America: 504.894.6300, link to portal
QSL: 504.896.9162
Lineage Logistics: 504.944.4400Â
Business Development
Amanda Coates, Chief Commercial Officer, amanda.coates@portnola.com, 504-528-3419
Janine Mansour, Director of Trade Development, Janine.mansour@portnola.com, 504-528-3533
Vessel Ops:Â
Joshua Gommel, Deputy Director of Marine Operations, docks@portnola.com, 504.528.3218Â
Helpful Links:Â
https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/Â for weather updates